Brands I've Partnered With πŸ’–

Lets Work Together 🀝

Do you want your brand to be shared with an engaged and money savvy audience? Let's work together to share how your brand can help individuals uplift their financial health & lifestyle.


Types of Ownership

Explaining the different ways someone can purchase, own or invest a property

Deliverables: Carousel & 3x Stories


Break Into 🏠 Market

Sharing the different ways people can break into the property market through reduced deposits & saving incentives

Deliverables: Carousel & 3x Stories


Property Team

Identify the stakeholders individuals should reach out to when purchasing a property

Deliverables: Carousel & 3x Stories


Cost of 🏑 Purchase

Breaking down the hidden and unexpected costs of purchasing my first property

Deliverables: Reel & 3x Stories


Property Checklist

Sharing the factors and features I research when I'm analysing properties that I am interested in

Deliverables: Reel & 3x Stories


Crypto, Demystified

Breaking down common cryptocurrency related jargon into easy to understand explanations

Deliverables: Carousel & Story


Crypto in Real Life

Providing education around the practical uses of cryptocurrencies and how it is becoming common place in day to day life.

Deliverables: Carousel & Story


Researching Crypto

Sharing the factors I consider and process I follow when I research different types of cryptocurrencies.

Deliverables: Post & Story


Biggest Cryptocurrencies

Breaking down the top 5 cryptocurrencies by their market cap

Deliverables: Carousel & Story


Invest & Zoom Out

Sharing my experience investing in cryptocurrencies during a turbulent market, and how I put things into perspective

Deliverables: Carousel & Story


Debt 101

Exploring the different types of debt and ways individuals can track, prioritise and pay it off

Deliverables: Carousel & 3x Stories


Financial Fitness

Explore the different ways an individual can measure and assess their financial wellbeing

Deliverables: Carousel & 1x Story

Lets Work Together 🀝

Do you want your brand to be shared with an engaged and money savvy audience? Let's work together to share how your brand can help individuals uplift their financial health & lifestyle.